WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Letters of objection received Headings: Objection no. Objector Objector Address Grounds of objection 1 B. Vallance Faebuie Cottage In unspoilt countryside with open views; suitable habitat for numerous species of birds and other wildlife (curlews, buzzards and oystercatchers mentioned); landscape recently affected by tarmac road, fencing and all been developed; proposed holiday village would support more permanent housing for chalet management and there would be a "slide down a slippery slope"; "would loose what nature has provided and what we have a duty to protect"; local people choose to live remotely and not in a more "populated, facility driven holiday village; anxious to ensure that "countryside is not traded for capitalism." 2 Mr.&Mrs. I Masson An Tigh Gael, Balmenach No provision on the CNPA's draft Local Plan for development on the lands in question; applicant has "once again tried to push the boundaries"; Balmenach Distillery settlement is small and has "no street lights, pavements or proper roads running through it"; experiencing problems with smell from so many existing septic tanks; proposed development would stretch the already poor facilities; applicant has formed tarred roads throug fields in recent months and this is described as an "over development of agricultural farm land." 3 Alexander and Roxanna Alexander 9 Balmenach Distillery Cottages Proposed development outwith the local draft plan for the area; potential drain on over stretched existing services; dangers associated with the location of the proposed access road and the consequent increase in volumes of traffic on single track roads; effect on the natural environment, especially on nesting birds, as well as on rare wild orchids and other wild flowers in the area; nervous at the prospect of what might follow phase 1. 4 Amelia and Ernest Oakes The Firs, Balmenach Proposed development outwith the local draft plan for the area; potential drain on over stretched existing services; dangers associated with the location of the proposed access road and the consequent increase in volumes of traffic on single track roads; effect on the natural environment, especially on nesting birds, as well as on rare wild orchids and other wild flowers in the area; nervous at the prospect of what might follow phase 1. 5 Mrs. S Gatenby Braehead, Faebuie If planning permission is given the whole area owned by the applicant around Cromdale, Balmenach and Faebuie "will end as a holiday city"; area is full of oystercatchers, curlew and lapwing and there was also a sighting of a pair of red kite hunting; road is single track and inadequate for volume of traffic. 6 Jane and Ian Whittaker Corriemhor Beag, Balmenach Size and number of chalets will be double the size of the community; inadequacy of roads and services; proposed development site is in open countryside and outside proposed settlement boundary in draft Local Plan; proposed site is on land with very poor drainage; development would ruin the ;andscape and pose serious risk to established wildlife; community nature of Balmenach would be ruined; would become a less safe and tranquil place to live. 7 L. & I. Edwards Tomliath, Balmenach Proposal would have devastating affect on the wildlife and birds in the area; would result in increased traffic on a presently very narrow road; if planning consent is given it would lead to more applications for developmentl degrading natural beauty of the area. 8 P.N. Fowler No. 5 Balmenach Habitat of ground nesting birds has already been severely eroded due to the applicant constructing a road network, water supply and fencing off plots in the area; house building would further reduce the nesting area; existence of a single track access road from Balmenach to Cromdale and Faebuie to A95 where there is a "questionable junction"; roads were not built for construction traffic or a "Highland Holiday Village Complex". developed for agricultural purposes; concern about the impact of development on some of the Priority Species listed in the Cairngorm Biodiversity Action Plan (lapwing, brown hare, bullfinches flycatchers etc.); registers support for Draft Local Plan for the area. 9 Miss S.A. Williams 4 Balmenach Distillery Cottages Application contrary to current Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan; plan has presumption against development of ad hoc clusters of houses and states that other land adjoining Cromdale "will be safeguarded from developmen, unless this is essential for agricultural purposes; development would be contrary to the Local Biodiversity Action Plan - species known in the area include brown hare, pipistrelle bats, song thrush, roe deer, curlew, snipe, oystercatcher etc.; barn owls use the fields as feeding grounds and possibly nest nearby; building on the site would cause owls to abandon their rookery; development would mean loss of a large area of important habitat and would also cause severe disturbance to the wildlife that would remain; allowing application to go ahead would be contrary to the EU Birds Directive - "the Directive applies not only to conservation of birds themselves, but also their eggs, nests and habitat;" "Balmenach is a settlement of 12 distillery cottages. It is not a village, nor a holiday centre in need of expanding"; proposed cul de sac setting of 5 holiday homes is out of character with settlement; overall plans show later phases that would increase settlement size by nearly three times. 10 Billy McIvor 7 Balmenach Holiday chalets across from property would block entire view and outlook; development would severely affect the daily lives of all who reside in close knit community of Balmenach; land was originally agricultural and should not be used for such large scale development. 11 Sandra McIvor 7 Balmenach Development would block view from house; road access is not suitable for heavy traffic; chalet development would lead to substantial sewage problems; land is former agrocultural land and should not be used for large development. 12 Warrant Officer PBM Page Windyhowe, Balmenach Bought his property believing that Cairngorms National Park plans for Balmenach area would ensure that it would be preserved for generations in its present state; "what has changed" since applicant has had plans refused in the past for projects in Balmenach; if development of an area such as this is left to go unchecked, families will move away; no footpaths, lighting, signage or road markings in the area and agriculture and heavy digging machinery will present a threat, as will increased development; public road surrounding Balmenach has been covered in mud, stones and debris since the applicant started developing access roads in the area and it is questioned whether or not the applicant and his workforce have an exemption to enable them to leave public roads in such a state. Note : please see full copy of letter for details of queries raised FoI, originally sent to and answered by Highland Council. 13 JM Osbourne on behalf of Ellipis Farms Limited JM Osbourne - Banbury Oxfordshire; Ellipis Farms Ltd, owners of land at Cromdale and Burnside. Land lies within the National Park; "this is further sporadic development by Glenmore Properties Limited" - land was entirely - agricultural until recently as it was part of Dorback and Revack Estates; Glenmore Properties have since purchase obtained planning consent for random individual houses on a relatively small area of agricultural land; initial application for 5 log built holiday chalets is a pre cursor to more, intensifying development in the area; area does not have services to facilitate such a development, including water and sewerage; served by a narrow highway where further development will increase usage of inadequate highway and is not sustainable; if planning permission granted then the precedent will be established and applicants "might expect to receive similar consents leading to a wholly unattractive landscape;" proposal is sporadic development in an open countryside area; previous permission for residential development in this area should not be justification for additional consent being granted. 14 Mr. & Mrs. I Masson (letter 2) An Tigh Geal, Balmenach Entire National Park is designated and "as such it is an area of Outstanding natural and cultural heritage'" - this issue should be taken into account when determining the application; Balmenach is a traditional distillery settlement - "allowing a holiday camp to be built next to it will only serve to destroy" what makes the National Park special; natural and cultural heritage will be lost.